The highest information point in Berchtesgaden National Park now has another exhibition room. Every day, visitors can find out about the flora and fauna in the national park. Many topics are also specially prepared for children.

Magdalena Deelmann works in the national park. The 29-year-old geographer, who comes from Münsterland, took the opportunity to research and work in one of Germany’s most beautiful national parks after completing her studies. Together with three other colleagues, she will be happy to answer questions from interested visitors in the exhibition and in the grounds. She passionately explains the concept of the exhibition, the sensitive wildlife in the summit area of the Jenner and raves about her new love: the two bearded vulture ladies Bavaria and Wally, known throughout Germany since 2021 through media reports on the reintroduction in the national park. “I helped supervise the bearded vulture project and have developed a real passion for the big birds. The best thing for me is when I can observe a bearded vulture or one of our national park golden eagles. That’s why we can often be found on the viewing platform near the mountain station with our spotting scope. If the view through the lens is worthwhile, visitors are of course also invited to use it. Don’t be shy, we are happy to be approached,” Magdalena encourages.

The exhibition itself is divided into two rooms. One part is located in the lobby in front of the Jenneralm restaurant, the newly opened part is on the first floor. The exhibition is accessible by elevator. Especially nice for children: the animals on display, such as snow hares and marmots, can be touched and stroked. The curious jackdaw, which is omnipresent in the mountains, guides children through the themed world of the national park. Interactive games explain why, for example, consideration is needed for the habitats of the sensitive ruffed grouse.

“Of course, there are also difficult tasks for us,” says Magdalena, “we always have to point out that dogs have to be kept on a lead or that the use of drones is not permitted. But most people are understanding if you explain the reasons well. After all, everyone wants to continue to enjoy the rich flora and fauna here in the national park.”


The national park exhibition is open daily, the times depend on the cable car times.

Further information about the Berchtesgaden National Park can be found here.